Frustrated by mixing muddy colors?
THE COLOR MIXING LAB and Color Impact Mini Course Combo
Learn the EASY way to mix (and remix) any color you want so you can finally feel like a “real” artist.
YES, I’M IN!Perfect for beginners, intermediate, gouache, watercolor, oil, acrylics (and any pigment based medium), landscapes, wildlife, portraiture, even abstract!
As an aspiring artist, ya gotta face it:
Color is the foundation of all painting.
So knowing how to confidently MIX COLORS is crucial for your success!
Should be simple enough … Blue + red = purple … umm, kinda sometimes?! If the basic color lessons you learned in second grade actually worked, color mixing would be a breeze. But you’re still mixing muddy colors. (And no, color mixing is NOT INTUITIVE so don’t feel bad if you don’t “get it” yet.)
It’s time to stop winging it. With clear, step-by-step instruction and guided practice you too can learn the lifetime skill of color mixing so that when you pull out your paints IT FEELS EASY and you feel confident. Every. Single. Time.

This course is for you if:
- You find color mixing frustrating, confusing, and disheartening (especially greens and purples - seriously wtf are those colors).
- You don't understand "warm" vs "cool" colors.
- You’re scared of ruining your painting with bold colors.
- Your ears turn off when you hear about "the color wheel" and "color theory" (like omg yawn fest!).
- You mix a color you like but then don't know how to re-mix it (grrrrrr that one color was so perfect!).
- You can follow tutorials just fine but mixing colors on your own is difficult.
- You crave a deeper understanding of color so you can easily create more impactful and beautiful art.
- You’re sick of buying pre-mixed tubes because you can’t mix the colors you want.
- You know you’re smart but geeez color mixing makes you feel hopeless, a lil dumb, and mucho intimidated.
Check out what these students had to say:

↓ check out the course deets ↓
Module 1:
Color Basics
Learn the often overlooked but important (and totally fascinating) color basics so that you’ll have a strong foundation for learning color mixing.
Module 2:
Color Bias
Finally understand how to identify and differentiate between cool and warm colors using YOUR own paints (and any pigment you encounter from here on out).
Module 3:
Primary Colors
Discover what truly makes a primary color, understand why any old red and blue don’t make purple, and create your own "real" color wheel so that you’re empowered to mix any color you need and want.

Module 4:
Complementary Colors
Perfect your understanding of this secret magic sauce in color mixing—giving you the wizard-like ability to transform any color into the one that’s just right.

Module 5:
Secondaries + Tertiaries
Learn how to mix your own secondary and tertiary colors, and master the ability to create both bright and dull versions - unlocking the secret to making colors that are pure, vibrant, and tailored to your vision.

Module 6:
Understand what makes a neutral, and learn how to mix your own, allowing you to create custom earth tones that add depth, balance, and subtlety to your paintings.
Module 7:
Black, Gray, Brown, + White
Unlock the mystery of mixing blacks, grays, browns, and whites. Learn how to make these essential colors on your own and when to use them, giving your work more dimension and mood.
Module 8:
Color Matching, Harmonizing, + Your Signature Palette
Learn how to match colors from reference photos, harmonize your palette, learn CMY(k) vs RYB colors, and create your own unique signature palette that makes your paintings “yours”!
SPECIAL: This course includes the Color Impact Mini Course.
This mini course teaches you the hidden meaning behind colors and how you can use them to create emotion through color alone. The Color Impact Mini Course dives deep into the art of color placement and harmony so that you can create artwork that makes your audience cry, laugh, say wow!, or go inward - you decide. Read more about the mini course here.
"Juliene is a natural teacher, but the kind you wish you had more of in school because she clearly loves what she does, inspires others to action and has a way of explaining things so that they stay with you and feel achievable. This lovely woman’s joyful nature has kept me coming back again and again to learn how to, not only be a better artist but to appreciate all of life, the good and the bad. This has helped me to stay more consistent in my painting practice, embrace my artistic successes as well as failures and learn and grow from all of these. What sets her apart from other artists out there? Juliene isn’t just a face behind an Instagram account or another person just trying to make a quick buck by selling you a lazily filmed course. She is hands on and always willing to help out and answer questions. And as someone who first just followed her on Instagram, then completed her free watercolor class and eventually even became a paying student in The Color Mixing Lab, I have received the same level of support and one-on-one feedback from her, regardless of what level I was at or how much money she could make off me. She is truly dedicated to helping others learn to paint better and enjoy more!" - Janita Fullerton
This ain't your 2nd grade art class - it's time to level up!
(Interested in a payment plan? Click here, we gotchu.)
Say less, I’m already in!Transform your painting skillz, transform your life.
Check out what Kai Williams said:

Are you ready to finally overcome the confusing color mixing hurdle?
JOIN US today and learn the easy, step-by-step approach that will take you from Frustrated Mud Maker to Color Mixing Master (in just one weekend).

Painting "becoming less of a dark art"? Yes pls!
Check out this love note😍:

Hear what Janita had to say about her experience:
Hi, I'm Juliene!
I've always considered myself an artist but stopped painting and creating as I grew up and started adulting more (anyone else?). I eventually realized that I NEEDED to create art. Like, my soul would never stop craving it and there would always be this empty hole that can only be filled by a creative practice.
Eventually, I decided to prioritize painting more amidst life getting life-y and I never looked back. But even after a lifetime of being an artist, I seriously struggled with muddy colors and felt so frustrated that my paintings never matched the beautiful visions in my head. I didn’t have all day yo, I needed to mix perfect colors like yesterday!

When I decided to take my art seriously, my inability to mix color was seriously getting me down. I realized that the whole "color mixing is intuitive" thing is a MYTH taught to us by people who themselves don't know how to mix color. Otherwise, if they did - it would be the first thing they taught us!!
During the 2020 covid lockdown, I swallowed my pride and took a break from painting to just focus on color theory and color mixing. Saying it changed everything is an understatement.
Turns out, color mixing isn’t as confusing as we were taught! It's not only for a select few to understand. It is NOT intuitive and you won't just suddenly understand it one day if you struggle through.
But it's easier than you think with the right guidance!
Now, I create beautiful art with joy and ease. My work is gallery-represented and a few of my pieces have even won awards! All thanks to mastering color mixing.
Mastering Color Mixing Requires NO
- No previous experience (if you’re a beginner, kudos cuz you 'bout to leapfrog years ahead!)
- No buying new paints, color wheels, or extra equipment (typically the paints you already have is all you need!)
- No time (if you hunkered down, you could bust this out in a day)
- No more endless tutorials and color research rabbit holes (*breaths sigh of relief*)
- No making useless color charts (cough cough, yea those charts are useless)
- No more making mud! Unless you actually are trying to make the color of mud b/c best believe we have a whole lesson on Earth Tones!
Still not sure?
Check out The Lab's Guarantee:
We offer a full-proof money back guarantee. After initial purchase, you have 48 hours to change your mind. Easy peasy, no questions asked! After that, if you get through the course and didn't meet your learning goals, let us know and we'll give you a refund.

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I'm a beginner, is this course for me?
I'm not a beginner, is this course for me??
I'm an acrylic/gouache/oil painter, is this course for me?
I'm not a landscape painter, is this course for me?
Do I get access to everything at once?
How long do I have access to the course?
What materials do I need?
Can I go at my own pace or is it scheduled?
Ready to finally learn how to mix (and remix) colors once and for all?
Join us today in the land of Color Mixing Mastery!
Learn Now, Pay in 4, Paint Forever!
$75 To Get Started
Break the cost into 4 easy payments of $75. Get instant access and start mastering color!